Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Humanity Condensed

In class I was given a paper entitled The Ten Rules of Being Human. This paper included the top ten rules of what it exactly means to be a human being. There are a few points in this list that I found very interesting. My favorite line in this paper is the last point (#10). It says, "You will forget all this". This registers something with me. As humans we tend to forget. Even if we are given all the answers, such as this list, we still do not realize what we have been shown. That is why I think that this point has real meaning. Also, #8 has a strong meaning. it states, "What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.". This point relates to me the basis of all human life. Our lives are not controlled by our destiny, we have the chance to make it our own. We all leave the mark that we choose, what mark do we want to leave on the world? This list was very meaningful. I think that as lists go, this one is good. If I could give this list a "makeover" of sorts, I would add one or two things that are near to my heart and coincide with my views on life. One thing that I would add would be that the greatest things happen to you when you last expect it. This is true and there are many times in my life where this has happened. I met some of my best friends by chance. Because we are human, a lot of things happen to us that we either do not acknowledge or we do not take the time to care about. I believe that what it means to be human is to take life in stride and take hold and leave the mark that you believe you should leave.

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