Friday, October 18, 2013

*What Would We Do?

        In the book The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness there is one main concept that is focused on. This concept is the noise. The noise is the aspect that every thought in your head can be heard by everyone else around you. While reading this I began to think... What would we do if this happened to us. How would our society be changed? How would common courtesy and manners be changed? I know that I think things in my head that I wouldn't want anyone else to hear, and I'm pretty sure that this goes for anyone. But, if the world came to where we were plagued by this noise we would have to change and be conscious of everything we thought. There would be no privacy anywhere unless you lived alone in a remote area. there would never be the "safety" of thinking things inside our head and "biting our tongues" when we think bad thoughts. This noise would affect our friendships, our relationships, and basically everything we have ever known. For example, think about your relationship with your best friend. I'm sure that you have gotten in fights and you may have thought mean things about this friend. All of these thoughts would be heard by your friend, and that may ruin your relationship. Also, think about your relationship with your parents. You may have gotten in fights and both of you become frustrated. your parents may think things out of frustration that could ruin your relationship for a long time. The noise would change everything in our lives and actions. In the novel, the main character Todd hates the noise because of the way it sounds. What I mean by that is that everyone's thoughts are all being heard at the same time. so this would sound like everyone in one place is talking at the same time. Now I can imagine that would be one big headache. I think that some people would go mad over this cluster of noise. I firmly believe that my opinions on people would change. I would love to go through and see what people truly think about me and other people. The noise would change everything about our society and I think that the effects would be terrible. I believe that everything we know about our friends, families, and even experiences would change if we knew everyone's true thoughts.

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